Financial advisor analyzing data on a tablet with QuickBooks Online charts, in a well-organized office setting.

7 Key Practices for Maximizing QuickBooks

Emerald Consulting is thrilled to share a comprehensive guide on the “7 Key Practices for Maximizing QuickBooks Online” with our valued clients and readers. As a leading accounting solution, QuickBooks Online brings a wealth of features to enhance your financial management. Our guide explores how to leverage QuickBooks Online for optimal efficiency and insight.

1. Customize for Clarity and Insight

QuickBooks Online offers advanced customization for invoices, reports, and sales receipts. By tailoring these to your business needs, you can improve clarity and gain valuable insights. Remember, integrating your logo and branding is key to professionalism and consistency.

2. Ensure Accuracy with Regular Reconciliation

Monthly reconciliation of bank and credit card accounts is crucial. This practice ensures your records are accurate, helping prevent fraud and discrepancies. Indeed, keeping your financials current is foundational for trustworthy management.

3. Embrace Cloud-Based Flexibility

With cloud storage, access your financial data anywhere, anytime. This flexibility is invaluable for remote work and staying informed about your financial status. It’s a core advantage for businesses aiming to maximize QuickBooks Online.

4. Streamline Through Automation

Automate recurring invoices and bill payments to save time and avoid missed payments. Automation supports steady cash flow and strong vendor relationships, essential for operational continuity.

5. Utilize Comprehensive Reporting

QuickBooks Online’s reporting tools allow for in-depth financial analysis. Regularly reviewing profit and loss statements and balance sheets is vital for data-driven decision-making. This practice is key to understanding your financial health.

6. Boost Efficiency with App Integration

Integrating with business apps can streamline operations. Identify apps that fit your business model, like CRM systems, to enhance financial and customer relationship management. This strategic approach can amplify QuickBooks Online’s benefits.

7. Commit to Comprehensive Training

Invest in training for you and your team. A deep understanding of QuickBooks Online’s features enables effective utilization. Tailored training meets your unique business needs, driving success.


Adopting these 7 practices can transform your financial management and operational efficiency. Emerald Consulting is committed to providing our clients with the tools and insights for financial mastery. With QuickBooks Online, you have a powerful ally in achieving your business goals.


Maximizing Efficiency: Integrating Apps with QuickBooks®

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. One of the most effective ways to enhance efficiency is through the integration of apps with QuickBooks®, a leading accounting software. The latest apps that integrate with QuickBooks® are designed to automate tasks, streamline processes, and ultimately improve business efficiency.

1. Automation with Apps: A Game Changer

Apps like Expensify, TSheets, and Hubdoc are transforming how businesses handle everyday tasks. Expensify simplifies expense reporting by allowing users to scan receipts and automatically import them into QuickBooks®. TSheets offers time tracking solutions that integrate seamlessly with QuickBooks®, simplifying payroll and invoicing. Hubdoc streamlines data capture by fetching bills, receipts, and invoices and syncing them with QuickBooks®, making bookkeeping a breeze.

2. Streamlining Processes for Efficiency

For e-commerce businesses, apps like Shopify and WooCommerce offer direct integration with QuickBooks®. This integration means sales data flow directly into the accounting system, ensuring accuracy and saving hours of data entry. Inventory management apps like Fishbowl and SOS Inventory sync with QuickBooks® to offer real-time inventory tracking, reducing the risk of stockouts or overstock.

3. Selecting the Right Apps for Your Business

Choosing the right apps for your business needs is crucial. Here’s a simple guide:

  • Assess Your Needs: Identify the tasks or areas in your business that require more efficiency.
  • Research the Options: Look for apps that specifically address these areas and check their compatibility with QuickBooks®.
  • Read Reviews and Testimonials: Understanding the experiences of other businesses can provide valuable insights.
  • Consider Scalability: Ensure the app can grow with your business.
  • Trial and Evaluate: Many apps offer free trials. Use them to evaluate their impact on your business processes.

By integrating the right apps with QuickBooks®, businesses can automate mundane tasks, gain valuable insights, and focus more on growth and development. The key is to understand your specific needs and choose apps that align with those needs, ensuring that your business runs as efficiently as possible.


QuickBooks®101: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

Welcome to the world of QuickBooks, the go-to accounting software for small to medium-sized businesses. This beginner’s guide is designed to help you navigate through the basic features and interface of QuickBooks, simplifying your journey into the realm of accounting.

Understanding the Interface QuickBooks offers a user-friendly interface with a dashboard that presents everything you need at a glance. Key sections include ‘Banking’, ‘Sales’, ‘Expenses’, ‘Employees’, and ‘Reports’. This layout makes it easy to track your business’s financial health.

Setting Up Your Account

  1. Creating a Company File: Start by setting up a company file. This is your business’s financial profile where you record transactions, manage accounts, and prepare for taxes.
  2. Entering Your Business Information: Fill in your business name, industry, and other details. This helps QuickBooks tailor its features to your specific needs.
  3. Connecting Your Bank Account: Link your business bank account and credit cards to QuickBooks. This automates income and expense tracking, saving you time.

Exploring Basic Functions

  • Invoicing: Create professional invoices for your clients. Customizing invoices with your logo and company details is straightforward.
  • Managing Bills and Expenses: Track your bills and record expenses. This ensures that you’re always aware of your outgoings and can manage your cash flow effectively.
  • Payroll Management: If you have employees, the payroll feature simplifies managing salaries, tax deductions, and pay runs.
  • Generating Reports: QuickBooks allows you to generate various financial reports. These are vital for understanding your business’s financial performance and for tax preparation.

Support and Learning Resources Don’t feel overwhelmed. QuickBooks provides extensive support through tutorials, community forums, and customer service. Utilize these resources to deepen your understanding.

Remember, mastery of QuickBooks won’t happen overnight. Take your time to explore, practice, and utilize the various features. Your efforts will pay off in streamlined financial management and clearer insights into your business’s fiscal health. Welcome to the world of simplified accounting with QuickBooks!

We offer complete setup and training  on QuickBooks®​ Online​. 


Year-End Essentials: QuickBooks® Tips for Closing Your Books Effectively

As the year winds down, it’s crucial for small business owners and accountants to get their financials in order, especially if they’re using QuickBooks. Here are some end-of-the-year QuickBooks tips to help you close out the year smoothly and prepare for the next.

  1. Reconcile All Accounts: Ensure all your bank and credit card accounts are reconciled up to the last statement of the year. This step is fundamental for accurate financial reporting and is a must-do before closing your books.
  2. Review Outstanding Invoices: Check for any outstanding invoices and make sure they’re accurate. Send reminders for overdue payments and consider writing off any uncollectible receivables to clean up your books.
  3. Analyze Inventory Status: If your business holds inventory, perform a year-end count and adjust your records in QuickBooks. This ensures your financial statements accurately reflect your inventory levels and value.
  4. Double-Check Payroll Records: Verify that all payroll transactions have been correctly recorded and taxes are up-to-date. Don’t forget to include any year-end bonuses or adjustments in your records.
  5. Update Vendor Information: Make sure all vendor information is current, including addresses and tax ID numbers. This is crucial for the accurate filing of 1099s.
  6. Back Up Your Data: Protect your financial data by backing up your QuickBooks file. Consider storing a copy off-site or using a cloud-based service for added security.
  7. Plan for Next Year: Finally, use the year-end as an opportunity to budget and plan for the next year. Analyze the current year’s financial reports to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Remember, these steps are not just about compliance but also about gaining insights into your business’s financial health. Properly closing out your books each year sets a strong foundation for the upcoming year, helping you make informed decisions for your business’s future.

We offer complete training QuickBooks®​ Online​. 

Transforming Your Business with Remote Bookkeeping

In today’s dynamic business landscape, remote bookkeeping has emerged as a pivotal tool for companies seeking efficiency and growth. The transition from traditional, in-office bookkeeping to a remote setup offers a plethora of benefits that can transform the way businesses manage their finances.

1. Cost Efficiency

One of the most immediate benefits of remote bookkeeping is the reduction in operational costs. Businesses no longer need to allocate resources for additional office space, equipment, or on-premise software for their bookkeeping staff. This shift can lead to substantial savings, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that operate with tighter budgets.

2. Access to Expertise

Remote bookkeeping opens doors to a broader talent pool. Businesses are no longer restricted to hiring local talent and can access highly skilled bookkeepers from across the globe. This not only ensures that you have someone with the right expertise but also promotes diversity in skills and approaches to financial management.

3. Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability

As businesses grow, their financial needs become more complex. Remote bookkeeping services are inherently scalable, allowing businesses to easily adjust the level of service based on their current needs. This flexibility is crucial for startups and growing businesses that experience fluctuating demands.

4. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

With the automation of many bookkeeping tasks and cloud-based accounting software like QuickBooks, data entry becomes more efficient, reducing the likelihood of errors. This automation allows business owners and their teams to focus on core business activities rather than getting bogged down with financial paperwork.

5. Real-time Financial Insight

Remote bookkeeping enables real-time updating and access to financial data. Business owners can make informed decisions quickly, a critical aspect in today’s fast-paced business environment. The ability to access financial reports and analyses anytime and anywhere offers a significant advantage.

6. Enhanced Security

Modern remote bookkeeping services place a high emphasis on data security, employing advanced encryption and security protocols to protect sensitive financial information. This level of security is often more robust than what small businesses can implement on their own.

In conclusion, the shift to remote bookkeeping can be a transformative step for businesses. It not only streamlines financial management but also contributes to better strategic decision-making, efficiency, and overall growth. Embracing this modern approach to bookkeeping can be the key to unlocking your business’s full potential.

Transform your business today with our remote bookkeeping services.

Billing Customers for Time and Expenses in QuickBooks Online

Billing customers for time and expenses in QuickBooks Online is an essential aspect of managing a business’s finances efficiently. This process allows businesses to accurately track billable hours and expenses incurred, ensuring that they are reimbursed for their services and outlays. Here’s a comprehensive look at how to effectively manage this process.

  1. Setting Up for Time Tracking:
    Firstly, QuickBooks Online (QBO) allows you to set up time tracking. This involves entering employee or vendor details who will be logging billable hours. It’s crucial to enable the ‘Make Single-Time Activity Billable to Customer’ feature in the Account and Settings. This feature allows the tracking of billable hours directly on timesheets.
  2. Recording Billable Time:
    QBO offers an intuitive timesheet feature where employees or contractors can record the time spent on specific tasks or projects. Each entry can be associated with a customer, making it easier to bill these hours later. You can also use third-party time tracking apps that integrate with QuickBooks for more advanced features.
  3. Adding Billable Expenses:
    Apart from time, you can also track expenses that are to be billed to the customer. These might include material costs, mileage, or any other out-of-pocket expenses. You can easily mark these expenses as billable and associate them with the relevant customer or project.
  4. Creating Invoices for Billable Time and Expenses:
    Once the billable hours and expenses are recorded, QBO allows you to create invoices directly from this data. You can review the billable time and expenses for each customer and add them to an invoice. This ensures that all billable items are accurately captured and billed.
  5. Customizing Invoices:
    QBO provides the flexibility to customize invoices. You can add your business logo, adjust the layout, and include necessary details, ensuring that the invoice reflects your brand and provides clear information to the customer.
  6. Sending and Tracking Invoices:
    After creating invoices, they can be sent directly to customers via email through QBO. The platform also enables you to track the status of each invoice, whether it’s been viewed, paid, or is overdue, which helps in managing your accounts receivable efficiently.
  7. Reports and Insights:
    Finally, QBO offers robust reporting features. You can generate detailed reports on time tracking and expenses, which are essential for analyzing business performance and making informed decisions.

In conclusion, QuickBooks Online simplifies the billing process for time and expenses, making it a seamless part of your business workflow. By taking advantage of these features, businesses can ensure accuracy in billing, improve cash flow, and maintain transparency with their customers.

The Benefits of Using QuickBooks for Freelancers and Independent Contractors

Being a freelancer or an independent contractor can be both rewarding and challenging. You have the freedom to work on your terms, but managing finances and keeping track of income and expenses can be a real headache. That’s where QuickBooks comes to the rescue! In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of using QuickBooks for freelancers and independent contractors in simple terms.

  1. Easy Expense Tracking: QuickBooks simplifies tracking your business expenses. You can easily snap pictures of receipts and categorize expenses. This makes tax time a breeze, helping you save money on taxes by ensuring you don’t miss any deductions.
  2. Invoice Management: With QuickBooks, creating and sending professional invoices is a cinch. You can set up recurring invoices for regular clients, saving you time and ensuring you get paid promptly.
  3. Income Management: Keep tabs on your earnings effortlessly. QuickBooks automatically records your income, making it easy to see your cash flow and plan for the future.
  4. Tax Time Made Simple: Freelancers dread tax season, but QuickBooks can turn it into a stress-free experience. It tracks your income and expenses throughout the year, making it easy to generate accurate tax reports and even estimate your quarterly tax payments.
  5. Financial Insights: QuickBooks provides insightful reports that help you understand your financial health. You can see your profit and loss, track expenses over time, and identify areas where you can save money.
  6. Time Savings: Instead of spending hours on manual bookkeeping, QuickBooks automates many tasks. This means more time for you to focus on your work or enjoy your free time.
  7. Accessibility: QuickBooks can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you’re on a computer or a mobile device, you can check your financial information on the go.
  8. Simplified Collaboration: If you have an accountant or need to collaborate with others, QuickBooks allows for seamless collaboration. You can share access to your books without sharing sensitive information.
  9. Budgeting and Planning: QuickBooks helps you set budgets and track your progress. This can be incredibly useful for freelancers looking to manage their finances more effectively.
  10. Customer Support: QuickBooks offers customer support to assist you with any questions or issues. You’re not alone in managing your finances.

In conclusion, QuickBooks is a game-changer for freelancers and independent contractors. It simplifies financial management, saves time, and provides valuable insights into your business’s financial health. Plus, it can make tax season a lot less daunting. So, if you’re looking for an easy and efficient way to manage your finances, give QuickBooks a try – you won’t be disappointed!

Integrating QuickBooks with Other Business Tools: Boosting Productivity and Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced business world, maximizing productivity and efficiency is essential for staying competitive and successful. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by integrating QuickBooks, a leading accounting software, with other business tools. By seamlessly connecting different applications and streamlining workflows, businesses can streamline operations, reduce manual tasks, and enhance overall productivity.

  1. Streamlining Data Management

Integrating QuickBooks with other business tools, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, project management software, and inventory management solutions, can significantly streamline data management processes. The automatic synchronization of data across different platforms eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the chances of errors and saving valuable time.

For instance, when a new customer is added to the CRM, the integration can automatically create a corresponding entry in QuickBooks, making it easier to manage customer records, invoices, and payments without duplicating efforts.

  1. Accelerating Invoicing and Payment Processing

Integrating QuickBooks with payment gateways and billing systems can expedite the invoicing and payment processes. Customers can make payments directly through online portals, and the integration will automatically update payment statuses in QuickBooks, leaving no room for discrepancies. This not only ensures faster payments but also improves cash flow management for businesses.

  1. Enhancing Payroll and HR Management

Integrating QuickBooks with HR management tools or dedicated payroll software streamlines payroll processing and reduces manual payroll-related tasks. The integration can handle employee data, attendance records, tax calculations, and direct deposit information, ensuring timely and accurate salary disbursements. Additionally, this integration minimizes the risk of compliance issues, as all payroll data is kept up-to-date.

  1. Optimizing Inventory and Order Management

For businesses dealing with inventory, integrating QuickBooks with inventory management software is crucial. This integration enables real-time tracking of stock levels, automatic generation of purchase orders, and seamless synchronization of sales data. As a result, businesses can avoid stockouts, overstocking, and maintain efficient supply chains.

  1. Automating Expense Tracking

Integrating QuickBooks with expense tracking tools or mobile apps allows employees to easily capture and submit expenses on the go. By automating the expense management process, businesses can expedite reimbursement procedures, maintain better expense records, and gain insights into spending patterns.

  1. Centralizing Reporting and Analytics

Integrating QuickBooks with business intelligence tools consolidates financial data, allowing for more comprehensive and accurate reporting and analytics. Business owners and managers can access critical financial insights and performance metrics from a single dashboard, enabling data-driven decision-making.


Integrating QuickBooks with other business tools can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency within an organization. By automating processes, reducing manual tasks, and streamlining data management, businesses can focus on core operations and strategic growth. Embracing these integrations not only boosts efficiency but also helps maintain a competitive edge in the market, ultimately leading to sustainable success in the long run.

Advanced QuickBooks® Features Every Business Should Know

QuickBooks has become one of the most popular accounting software options for small to mid-sized businesses. While most users are familiar with its basic features like invoicing, tracking sales, and managing expenses, there are several advanced features that can provide businesses with even more insights and efficiencies. Here’s a look at some of these advanced capabilities:

1. Advanced Reporting

QuickBooks Advanced Reporting feature allows users to access and customize reports to fit specific needs, ensuring you have the right data to make informed decisions. You can also pull from QuickBooks’ rich database to create intricate, tailored reports.

2.Batch Transactions

Need to enter multiple invoices, bills, or checks? Rather than doing them one by one, use the Batch Enter Transactions tool. This feature can save a lot of time, especially for businesses with voluminous transactions.

3. Inventory Tracking

QuickBooks can track products, cost of goods, and receive notifications when inventory is low. The Advanced Inventory feature (available in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise) allows for barcode scanning, FIFO costing, and multiple location tracking.

4. Custom User Permissions

Businesses can customize the level of access for different users. This ensures that employees only access features or data relevant to their role, enhancing data security.

5.Online Banking Integration

QuickBooks can automatically download and categorize bank and credit card transactions, cutting down manual entry and ensuring accurate, up-to-date records.

6.Recurring Transactions

If you have regular bills or invoices, set them up as recurring transactions. This feature ensures timely billing and can automate certain financial tasks.

7. Job Costing

This feature allows businesses to track project profitability. By allocating expenses to specific jobs or projects, companies can get a clear picture of where they are making or losing money.

8. Class and Location Tracking

Companies with multiple departments or locations can track income and expenses for each segment, providing more granular financial insights.

9.Delayed Charges and Billing

You can enter charges to be billed to a client at a later date. This ensures you don’t forget to invoice for any item or service provided.

10.Income Tracker

 Get an instant view of your income-related transactions in one place. This includes overdue invoices and those that are due soon.

11.Document Attachment

Attach contracts, receipts, and other documents directly to invoices, bills, or other transactions. This makes record-keeping streamlined and ensures important documents are always at hand.

12. Lead Center

Manage potential customers separately from your regular clientele. Once they become paying customers, easily convert leads to customers in the system.

13. Automated Online Data Backup

Data loss can be devastating. QuickBooks provides automated data backup, ensuring that all your crucial financial data is safe and retrievable.


While QuickBooks is known for its user-friendly interface and basic accounting capabilities, diving deeper into its advanced features can unveil a treasure of tools that can help businesses streamline operations, gain better financial insights, and grow more efficiently. Embracing these advanced features can be a game-changer for many businesses. Whether you’re new to QuickBooks or a seasoned user, consider exploring these functionalities to make the most out of your accounting software.

How to Set Up QuickBooks® for Your E-commerce Business

Setting up QuickBooks for your e-commerce business is a great way to manage your finances, track sales, and stay on top of your financial health. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you set up QuickBooks for your e-commerce business:

  1. Choose the Right QuickBooks Version:
    QuickBooks offers different versions, including QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop. For most e-commerce businesses, QuickBooks Online is recommended because it provides easy access from anywhere with an internet connection and has a variety of integrations with e-commerce platforms.
  2. Sign Up for QuickBooks Online:
    Go to the QuickBooks website and sign up for an account. You’ll need to provide some basic information about your business during the registration process.
  3. Set Up Your Company Profile:
    After signing up, you’ll be prompted to set up your company profile. Fill in your business details, including the business name, address, industry, and tax information.
  4. Link Your Bank Accounts and Payment Processors:
    Connect your business bank accounts and any payment processors you use for your e-commerce transactions. This will enable QuickBooks to automatically import your financial data, saving you time on manual data entry.
  5. Configure Sales Tax Settings:
    If your e-commerce business is required to collect sales tax, set up your sales tax settings in QuickBooks Online. This will ensure that sales tax is accurately tracked and applied to transactions.
  6. Import Your Chart of Accounts:
    A chart of accounts is a list of all the categories where you record financial transactions. QuickBooks provides a default chart of accounts, but you can customize it to match your e-commerce business needs.
  7. Integrate E-commerce Platform:
    If your e-commerce platform supports integration with QuickBooks, set up the integration to automate the flow of data between the two systems. This integration will help streamline the process of importing sales, inventory, and customer information.
  8. Record Sales and Expenses:
    As you start making sales and incurring expenses, record them in QuickBooks. Categorize transactions correctly using the chart of accounts you set up earlier.
  9. Manage Inventory (if applicable):
    If your e-commerce business involves selling physical products, QuickBooks can help you manage your inventory. You can track the quantity and value of your products, making it easier to understand your stock levels and profitability.
  10. Reconcile Your Accounts:
    Regularly reconcile your bank accounts, credit cards, and payment processor accounts with your QuickBooks records. This process ensures that all transactions are accurately recorded and that your financial statements are up to date.
  11. Run Financial Reports:
    QuickBooks offers various financial reports, such as profit and loss (income statement), balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Use these reports to gain insights into your e-commerce business’s financial performance and make informed decisions.
  12. Set Up Budgets (optional):
    If you want to plan and monitor your e-commerce business’s financial goals, consider setting up budgets in QuickBooks. Budgets help you track your actual performance against your projected targets.

Remember that while setting up QuickBooks for your e-commerce business can be relatively straightforward, it’s essential to maintain good bookkeeping practices consistently. Regularly update your financial records, reconcile accounts, and review financial reports to keep your business financially healthy and compliant. If you’re uncertain about any aspect of the setup process, consider consulting with a QuickBooks expert for guidance.

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